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Why It's Important to Do Every Exercise in the VysionQuest

Hey everyone.

I’m not sure how well this is going to work today because it’s really windy down here, but I wanted to tell you one of the interesting things about the VisionQuest process and watching people go through it.

Santi: Dad, can I use your shirt?

There’s my boy. What?

Santi: Can I use your shirt?

My shirt?

Santi: Yeah.

Want to say hi to everyone?

Santi: Heddo.

My shirt?

Santi: Yes, your shirt.

Hold on, wait till I’m done with this and I’ll give it to you.

Santi: What!?

I will give it to you, okay?

Santi: But Dad, I need it NOW!

I’ll give it to you in a second.

Santi: We’re killing bull ants. There’s a big bull ant nest up there.

Bull ant nest!? Alright, I’ll give it to you in a second.

Santi: Hurry up!

So one of the interesting things is how different people get different things from different exercises. For some people an exercise will be very challenging and for other people it’ll be where they get their treasures from the VisionQuest.

And you never know who’s going to get what from what exercise. Which is why you got to do every exercise. And with a whole variety of exercises there’s going to be those certain ones where you get your treasures that you’re going to take with you into the rest of your life.

I just want to share that with you. So don’t worry if there’s an exercise that stumps you, that you don’t seem to get so much from, you don’t have an answer to… Because you’re going to find the treasures in the next exercises.

Alright. Lotsa love. Bye.

Time to give my boy my shirt.

(I spoke too soon. Turns out Santi wanted to use my shirt for carrying big rocks. I said no.)

Recorded at Byron Bay, Australia on Mar 7, 2017.

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Author: Rick Cowley
Rick is the founder of the VysionQuest process. Click here to find out more about him.
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