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Lesson in Flow

Morning everybody. I wanted to share a little story with you.

A couple days ago there was some really intense rain and this bridge… So my kids live up that way, and that’s the way to town… This bridge got totally flooded over after just a few hours of rain here and was completely underwater. It was amazing to see.

And there were two lessons that I saw from that. And usually you know the lessons that I teach come from surfing, and how waves move. But there are lessons from water all over the place, so I want to share this one with you.

And the first one is how it can be like a time of cleansing, intense times, intense emotional times, can be a time of cleansing.

And just around that bend up there, there’s a rope swing, kind of a swimming hole and a rope swing. There was this big tree that had fallen across, and you could walk from one side to the other on this big log. And just four days ago my kids, and I went swimming. It was a beautiful sunny day. We went swimming and swam over to the log, and we’re sitting on the log and walking on the log.

It had been there for, I don’t know, probably a year or something like that, and after this flood, after this rain came through that log disappeared. It would have taken maybe 20 people to move that thing and this river did it pretty much effortlessly. And moved it who knows how many kilometers, maybe it’s in the ocean now.

I want to bring you that analogy. Those intense times when there’s a lot of rain and flooding and the rapids are raging in your life, it’s also clearing out old ways, old ways of being, so let that go, let that shit go. You don’t have to hang on to it.

Just let that flow come through and sweep out your life, and trust that there’s going to be some cleanliness and some more space on the other side of that.

And the other thing is again like how many people would it have taken to move that massive heavy log, but when it was in the flow, the flow does it almost effortlessly.

And you know I love the the idea of being in the flow in your life. And knowing that when you’re in the flow, you’re feeling good. You are fulfilling your purpose. You’re feeling inspired.

And when you’re in that flow miracles happen. Those big logs can move in your life.

So our first step is always to get into that flow by breathing, by bringing our attention to what we appreciate, what inspires us, our purpose. Things like that.

Alright, I just wanted to share with you the river lessons. From River Life — as opposed to Surf Life — today.

Lots of love. Bye.

Recorded at Wilson’s Creek, Australia on Mar 17, 2017.

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Author: Rick Cowley
Rick is the founder of the VysionQuest process. Click here to find out more about him.
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