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Tip for Tuning In Quickly

Hey everyone. Good morning from Bali, with the chickens and the birds and the motorbikes.

I wanted to make this quick video to tell you about something that I do that helps me tune in whenever I’m going to do any writing or meditation or I’m asking for guidance, and that is lighting some Nag Champa incense.

It really doesn’t matter what kind of incense that you use.

But you know how a sense of smell can take you back to a certain state or state of mind or feeling really quickly.

And this is something that I learned about on the retreats.

So you know I do this if you’ve been on a retreat in Bali or Australia with me. Whenever we’re going to do a writing exercise or meditation or yoga, then I would light this incense.

And the idea is that the next day when you smell this incense then you come back to that state of being tuned in and still and being able to hear your guidance clearly, really quickly.

So this is something that I do most days before I do any work or computer work or emails or strategy or website or anything like that. I want to get into the best clearest tuned in state that I can so I will start with a writing exercise about five to ten minutes where I am focusing on things that inspire me and things that I appreciate. And I’ll light some incense to help me get to that state quickly.

So just suggesting you do something like that whether it’s with Nag Champa or your favorite incense and have fun tuning in.

Lots of love.

Recorded on Feb 8, 2017 at Sanur, Bali

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Author: Rick Cowley
Rick is the founder of the VysionQuest process. Click here to find out more about him.
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