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My 5 Year Old's Solution for Annoying People

Santi: … Make it shaped into like a little like sharp point that could like…

Me: Like a bullet you mean?

Santi: Yeah. The bullet what it shoots. Like the point, there are like, there’s this big point, like not too big. Like a point about that big.

Me: Mm hmm.

Santi: That long. And then when you shoot it someone, it can be, and then you can make a potion and dump it over, it would be a sleep potion. So some can be sleep guns.
Me: So guns like tranquilizers?

Santi: Yeah. Like tranquilizer guns.
Me: But it just puts you to sleep.

Santi: Those… Like a normal gun. But it doesn’t hurt when you shoot someone with it. It just like puts them asleep for like… But you can choose how long. You make the potion up about the time. Like if it’s gonna be for like two hours… When Jaya’s annoying me and stuff and keeps on singing and stuff I can just shoot her with one. And she’ll be asleep in the car for like two hours or one whole hour, but…

Me: And it wouldn’t hurt?

Santi: Imagine one that would go for two months.

Shot in Ubud, Bali

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Author: Rick Cowley
Rick is the founder of the VysionQuest process. Click here to find out more about him.
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