Book a Call

The Flow of Work and Family

It’s raining. I just walked my daughter to the road where she catches the bus.

I’m about to go make my son Santi some pancakes and then wrestle with him and then do a bit of work and then wrestle with him again and then do a bit of work and then play a card game and then wrestle with him.

He’s classic. He cracks me up. He’s like non-stop entertainment. The stuff that he says. And he’s just got tons of energy. He’s like a super boy.

Alright. This is my video for today. Have a great day everyone. Lots of love. Bye.

Recorded at Wilson’s Creek, Australia on Feb 28, 2017.

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Author: Rick Cowley
Rick is the founder of the VysionQuest process. Click here to find out more about him.
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