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VysionQuest Virtual
How to overcome fear, discover what you actually want in business and life, and fulfill your true purpose
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Don't waste any more time and energy spinning your wheels without a clear vision
The VysionQuest Virtual is an online journey of self-discovery that lets you communicate with your Higher Self to find purpose, direction and inspiration for your next chapter.
It's easy to lose your way amidst the daily grind
Many people who seek success lose themselves along the way. They may get to a crossroads in life and get stuck there. Or they keep walking paths that they outgrew a long time ago. Simply because they don't know how to find enough True Clarity.
Are you lost and disconnected inside?
"I feel like I don't know who I am anymore. I've a lot of what I set out to do but I'm still not happy. I'm on edge all the time. I don't enjoy the good things I have. I've been chasing success and working hard... but what's it all for?"
Are you lacking a clear and compelling life vision?
"I just don't know what I really want. I don't know what to do next in my life and in my work. I can't shake this nagging feeling that I'm not living the life that is right for my unique soul. Why is it so hard to find answers?"
Are you struggling to find purpose and meaning?
"I'm just going through the motions every day. I don't know what I'm really here to do. I would love to have a mission that's worthy of my life. I would love to be able to say I did my life's work. That my life mattered. How do I find some direction and purpose?"
What's the cost of this confusion?
In the present, you settle into a mediocre life, you tolerate the intolerable, your closest relationships suffer, and you feel effing crazy. In the future, you get to the end of your life and have to admit that you wasted your greatest gifts, you only fulfilled a fraction of your potential and you didn't live the life you truly wanted to live. Damn...
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Let the quiet voice inside redirect you down a path of inspiration and joy, rather than a path that others said you should be following
Our transformative process frees you from the shackles of self-doubt, so you can finally step into your true power and purpose. The proven step-by-step method unlocks so much clarity and energy that you can no longer ignore your calling. For most people, the VysionQuest process becomes a spiritual experience. No hallucinogens or near death experiences necessary :)
Who it's for
The VysionQuest Virtual is for you if you are asking yourself, "What am I supposed to be doing with my life?" Whether you are stuck and struggling, or successful but unfulfilled, or you just KNOW there's a better life waiting for you...
  • You're feeling bored, lost, empty, unfulfilled
  • You're facing a life transition or reinvention
  • You have a sincere desire to make a difference
  • You have some big decisions coming up
  • You know you have more to offer the world
  • You're asking the bigger questions in life
  • You're interested in intuition, presence, meditation
  • You desire more purpose, meaning & fulfillment
Maybe you've even done everything you were told to do to become happy and successful, but you still don't FEEL it. You're wondering what's wrong with you - while wasting years in an unfulfilling life.
Fortunately, it HURTS to ignore your purpose!
Discover who you are, what you want, and what you're really here to do
Your life's vision is like a puzzle. Not enough pieces, and you don't have enough clarity to overcome the fear and make change. But when you get enough pieces and fit them together, your purpose-driven vision pulls you forward along your true path. You can't NOT make change. Experience the VysionQuest and flow forward in areas of your life that have been stuck for years.
Awaken the real you
Know who you are
  • Reconnect with your inner wisdom and intuition
  • Discover your unique strengths and gifts
  • Heal old wounds and find peace with your past
Discover your life's vision
Know what you want
  • Create a clear plan for achieving your goals
  • Gain the confidence and courage to pursue your dreams
  • Find focus and motivation to stay on track
Fulfill your purpose
Know what you're here to do
  • Find a mission that's worthy of your life
  • Make a positive impact on others by living your purpose
  • Create fulfilling and meaningful work that aligns with your values
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Our secret is the sequence
Usually the fear stops you from getting enough clarity to create bold change in your life. The VysionQuest process consists of seven stages that work to silence the fear and reveal your inner truth. Each stage is like a piece of wood that fuels a fire, and when they are in the right sequence, they ignite life-changing clarity every time.
1) Desire: Stop numbing/distracting yourself and immerse yourself in your deepest desires.
2) Space: Interrupt the daily distractions and create a sacred container for your inner work and reflection.
3) Connection: Turn down the voice of your mind and turn up the subtle whisper of your soul/subconscious.
4) Appreciation: Remember how powerful and blessed you already are. This is the foundation upon which you will build your next dreams.
5) Inspiration: Reconnect with what makes you feel alive, excited and energized. Inspiration is your destiny calling you forward.
6) Purpose: Identify your unique way of BEING that uplifts and empowers others. Purpose is the leverage for miraculous change in your life.
7) Dreams: Find your authentic dreams - the ones that allow you to express and fulfill your purpose - and the conviction to live them.
What you get
Our proprietary program has been refined during 60+ live retreats. The 28 modules will forever change how you see yourself, your business and your life. You get lifetime access to the VysionQuest program. It's a tool that you'll use forever - whenever you are ready to take your work and life to the next level or in a new direction. It consists of...
The Sacred 28-day Container
Instructions for setting up your life for a profound and transformative journey. Follow our simple steps for interrupting the usual noise/distractions so you can feel what your soul has been trying to tell you. For example, reconnect with your natural, clear energy through a 28-day caffeine/alcohol/social media detox! (The whole program is designed with as little screen time as possible. That's why the lessons are meditative audios rather than videos.)
28 x Soul-Centering Guided Meditations
Open up a portal to your deepest self. The VysionQuest is not about filling you up with more ideas - or hyping you up artificially - but rather about putting you into a calm and centered state that allows you to hear your guide inside. No meditation experience required. If you can sit, breathe and listen, you can do these meditative audio lessons.
28 x Vision-Revealing Guided Journaling Exercises
Let your soul speak. Your VysionQuest Workbook is a life guide book from the truest part of you. The guided writing exercises reveal the puzzle pieces of your true purpose and dreams one by one, forming a clear and compelling road map for your true path in life. This workbook will become one of your most treasured possessions.
28 x Cosmic Silent Sunrise Sessions
These are when the magic happens. All it takes is one inspiring hour first thing every morning. Roll out of bed, light a candle, open the app, listen to a guided meditation and do the corresponding journaling exercise. It feels like you are visiting another dimension. Each morning is a treasure hunt into your heart's deepest desires and your soul's highest inspirations.
2 Months of Weekly Group Coaching Calls
Get live support and make sure you're doing it right. When you buy the VysionQuest Virtual, you get free access to our weekly group members calls for 2 months. Something very special happens on these calls. Even though people are all over the world, a deep bond and powerful group momentum forms. You'll get feedback from Rick and the VQ guides. Share your most inspiring insights that you've gotten from the process and learn from other VQ adventurers.
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Meet Your Guide
Rick Cowley, Founder
The VysionQuest process was born out of Rick's experience with leukemia at 21 years old. He learned three important things: We each have a purpose. We have no time to waste. And clarity is key. Now, through the VysionQuest framework, he and the VQ team help others discover their purpose and dreams to live a life of fulfillment and meaning. The unique process was refined and developed during more than 60 live retreats with input from hundreds of high achievers. Experience the VysionQuest and nothing will ever be the same again.
I've come away feeling enlightened, relieved and with absolute clarity on my purpose.
I joined the VQ Virtual as I had this deep feeling of being lost. I was in a rut. I couldn't get clarity on my direction.
This is from a learning junkie too. I've tried loads of books, systems, and structured journals in order to plan and set goals for my life. I never felt like I was connecting the dots.
I tried coaching programmes and masterminds where I learned tactics but I always felt at odds with the people around me.

I'm thankful someone I respect brought Rick and VQ into my life. It was great timing and when you know, you know.

It isn't like anything else I have done before. The biggest difference is that it is *all* focused on you. On your well-being. On what you're looking for.

The work is simultaneously enjoyable, enlightening, difficult, and easy. I'll not sugarcoat it, some of it I found frustrating and disturbing so expect highs and lows. But, in the best way.

I needed this journey. VQ is an incredibly well designed and worthwhile journey. Rick is a masterful companion and guide.

I've come away feeling enlightened, relieved and with absolute clarity on my purpose.

The work (professional and personal) I've acted on since has been transformative and I only finished VQ last month. I say finish, but you never really finish as VQ has cemented habits that will stay with me forever.

I'll treasure my workbook forever too, it's a rock on my bookshelf and very dear to me.

I feel a palpable excitement for the life I'm living now and what I'll go on to create.

I'm thankful I had the fortune to meet Rick. He is like no one else I've met - warm, empathetic and reassuring. But also down to earth, I'd hang out with the guy and I consider him an important mentor who I hope to stay in touch with for a long time.

For anyone that feels disconnected from their true calling, or if you feel like you are harbouring important contribution but don't know where to start - Rick can and will help.

I've never written a review like this and I'd be happy for anyone to contact me any time as I think everyone should do VQ. It should be part of the curriculum at schools.

Thanks Rick, you're a legend.

Alex Lockey
Founder -
Life is so short and I cannot imagine having zoomed through the years without pausing to immerse myself in this process to help me find my calling.
I have had the amazing benefit of immersing myself in the learnings from VysionQuest for a couple of years now.
I am a highly sensitive person and feel the lows lower and the highs higher so I often struggle with finding calm and peace in my life as I can feel and absorb other people's energy which disrupts my moods.
This also interrupts my own goal setting and vision for my future - and I often was sidetracked from turning my dreams into solid goals by feeling the need to keep everyone else happy around me.
Rick Cowley's meditations and total immersion in the process of your own goal setting helped me establish boundaries for myself and to slowly take back my own control of my life and not feel the need to 'fix' the world and everyone in it.
Rick is an amazing human and he has developed a deeply enriching and successful process of helping you unlock your potential and move into your 'flow'.
Life is so short and I cannot imagine having zoomed through the years without pausing to immerse myself in this process to help me find my calling.
I thoroughly recommend VysionQuest.
Elizabeth Horne
Online seller
If you are looking for direction, a boost in passion and purpose, VysionQuest is a great way to get it.
I joined the online VysionQuest as Covid had forced me to slow down and assess what I was doing with my life. I knew I was transitioning into a new stage of life but wasn't sure what that would look like.
Taking time out to take stock whilst planning my next steps seemed like a good idea... and it was.
The VysionQuest process got me back in touch with what I had been passionate about years before. It also revealed that I had unknowingly been driven by those passions all along even though I thought I was building a business driven by the needs of others.

Since having these insights I have been very engaged in building a new set of products and services (and business) that better suit my passions and I am confident that the rewards from this will surpass anything I have experienced before.

The VysionQuest program is perfect for anyone who is feeling lost, burned out or who has lost passion or confidence in what they are doing.

If you are looking for direction, a boost in passion and purpose, VysionQuest is a great way to get it.

Howard Tinker
Speaker, trainer and author
This space I'm in now is worlds apart from where I was even 6 months ago.
I did VysionQuest thanks to encouragement from so many before me who said it was life changing.
Your course is the equivalent of putting on a hearing aid and glasses for the first time... I can't believe my challenge now is to dream bigger.
This space I'm in now is worlds apart from where I was even 6 months ago. I have had another incredible week filled with amazing conversations, with people I deeply respect, that has been mind blowing.
Thank you Rick for opening my eyes.
Georgia Watt
Online seller
VysionQuest has helped me find my place in the world... and do the work that I know I was meant to do...
Rick, your process is amazing. The magic that happens during and after the VysionQuest Virtual blows my mind.
I look back over the past year or two and the stuff I visioned has happened and is still happening.
VysionQuest has helped me find my place in the world, find my authenticity and has allowed me to confidently be me and do the work that I know I was meant to do in the world - helping people heal through whole plant foods and self-love.
Your work has helped me big time and has played a big part in transforming my life. It's been an incredible ride. Thanks for developing this process, brother.
Adam Guthrie
Founder - I Feel Good
The 28-day VQ virtual retreat was an incredibly transformative experience, unlike what you might expect from an online course.
When you are feeling it is time to move into a new chapter of your life and are called to explore how this chapter might look like, the VysionQuest process designed by Rick Cowley is what you are looking for.

It gave my clarity on what could be next, expansion on my dreams, gratitude for what already is and a deeper understanding of my purpose.

The 28-day VQ virtual retreat was an incredibly transformative experience, unlike what you might expect from an online course.
But the thoughtful way in which the course, the content and the support is build makes this retreat life changing.

Go for it, so the world can experience all the magic that is within you!!

Lien de Pau
Founder - Travak Business School
Get the VysionQuest Virtual:
Transcend your fears and find your future
The answers to your most important questions are already inside you. You just need the right set of circumstances to allow your inner wisdom to be heard and captured. The VysionQuest IS that set of circumstances. All you have to do is sign up, follow the simple steps and allow something amazing to happen for you.
(or AUD$599)
VysionQuest Virtual Program
VysionQuest Workbook pdf
28 x Soul-Centering Guided Meditations
28 x Purpose-Catalyzing Journaling Exercises
Guidelines for creating your Sacred Container
Forum to share your greatest insights day by day
Lifetime access to online materials
Mobile App
Includes 2 months free access to our Members Calls - get support, community and feedback from Rick and the VQ guides
Register now
Got questions? Check the FAQs first. Then email us. We also work with a small number of 1-on-1 clients. Email us for more info.
I’m busy. What's the time commitment to do the VysionQuest?
The VysionQuest Virtual was designed to fit into busy lives. It consists of 28 inspiring Modules.
The original format of the program is this: Spend one magical hour first thing in the morning doing one Module every day for 28 days. Ideally from 6:00-7:00 a.m. This is the best time to hear the subtle whisper of your soul.
But you have the freedom to move through the program faster or slower, or to do the Modules at other times of day or night.
Find the format that works best for you.
I’m not good at meditating. Will the program work for me?
If you can sit, breathe and listen for 20 minutes, yes it will work for you. People who think they struggle with meditation say they love these VQ guided meditations.
I’m not good at writing. Will the program work for me?
If you think you're not good at writing, you've probably got some leftover trauma from school! At the beginning of the VysionQuest we remind you that THIS IS NOT SCHOOL! This is actually the opposite of school! We will undo many of the things that schooling did to you. After a few Silent Sunrise Sessions, as you see your inner wisdom pour out onto the page, you may even fall in love with this kind of writing.
Is the VysionQuest something I should do again periodically?
Absolutely yes. We recommend you do the VysionQuest once a year. Like a yearly life reset.
As time passes, you evolve, your purpose evolves, your vision evolves. And life gets busy. EVERYONE needs to take time out periodically to adjust the trajectory of their life.
Every time you do a refresher VysionQuest, you get another level of clarity and inspiration for your best life. There's no limit to the amount of clarity that you can get!
How do I sign up and what happens next?
1. Click the "Register Now" button above.
2. Submit your payment info using our secure payment processor.
3. Answer a few simple questions on a registration form.
4. You'll receive 2 emails. One has your login info. The other has a welcome message and instructions for how to get started.
5. Login to the Members portal and get into the Prep Modules! It's all laid out for you in simple steps.
If you need anything along the way, email [email protected]
What happens on the Members Calls?
When you purchase the VysionQuest Virtual you get free access to the Vysionary Membership program for 2 months, which includes weekly Calls. There are 2 times to choose from, so at least one of those calls will work for you no matter what time zone you are in.
The first 30 minutes of those calls is dedicated to supporting people who are doing the VysionQuest program. Ask questions about anything you feel stuck with. Get feedback from Rick and the VQ guides. Share your greatest insights and revelations. Hear from others who are on the VQ journey.
There's something about sharing some of the things you've written down that works to catalyze your vision. It's pretty magical.
(For privacy these calls are not recorded.)
When are the Members Calls?
There are 2 Members Calls every week:
EurOz Call
(Europe/Asia/Middle East/Australia p.m.)

8:00 a.m. London
11:00 a.m. Dubai
3:00 p.m. Singapore
5:00 p.m. Brisbane/Sydney
7:00 p.m. Auckland

AmOz Call
(Americas/Australia a.m.)

5:00 p.m. Los Angeles
8:00 p.m. New York

8:00 a.m. Singapore
10:00 a.m. Brisbane/Sydney
12:00 p.m. Auckland

Times may change slightly due to Daylight Savings.

What if I can't attend the Members Calls?
The VysionQuest Virtual is a complete program and you will have a powerful and transformational experience even without the Calls. The Calls are a free added bonus.
(Much of the support and answers to your most common questions have been built into the guided meditations inside the program.)
If you can't make the calls, the next best things are to...
1) Use the "Insights" forum to share your VQ experience and hear about others' experience.
2) Use the "Chat" forum for Members to get support from other VQ adventurers, Rick and the VQ guides.
What if I want to continue with the Vysionary Membership beyond 2 months?
First off, you have lifetime access to the VysionQuest Virtual program.
If you decide that you want to continue with the Vysionary Membership beyond the 2 free months you get, we'll send you an email with a link to join.
The investment for the Vysionary Membership is USD$99/month.
(Just to be clear, you will not be automatically charged for the Membership when you register for the VysionQuest Virtual.)
Got any other questions? Email us >
One Precious Life Scorecard
Find direction and inspiration now. Answer 40 yes/no questions to benchmark how clear your life vision is and how on track you are to fulfilling it - both personally and professionally.
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